The system is good for most brass instruments including trombone, trumpet, euphonium, or alto horn. At this time, we have not yet developed the adapters needed for cornet, french horn, or tuba mouthpieces.
You should of course practice other things every day, like long tones, high/low range, flexibility, scales, etc., but practicing your trills, multiple tonguing, and stopped horn daily will set you apart from many players.
Daily Exercises for French Horn
Another very important initiative I would like to talk to you about is that of my French Horn Magazine page which, with the collaboration of great Italian horn players belonging to almost all the Italian opera-symphonic institutions, is implementing a project to stimulate the horn students who at this moment are at home.Each maestro is creating a video tutorial in which he shows his daily exercises and explains how to do the daily study with practical examples. We already have a nice list of videos that you can view on the Facebook page.
In their pursuit of becoming accomplished performers, horn players spend a great deal of time studying proper brass playing techniques from the great pedagogues. The modern horn is a fairly young instrument (less than two hundred years old) and the most efficient pedagogical approach is still evolving. Because of this, horn players spend a great deal of time studying proper brass playing techniques from the great pedagogues. Books by Philip Farkas, Arnold Jacobs, Raphael Mendez, and more have many theories and exercises on how to breathe, the best way to perfect embouchure development, performance techniques, and more.
Modern pedagogues have been working to find a better approach to playing the horn. They are doing this by borrowing techniques from other pedagogies, as well as introducing ideas that focus on the science and understanding of exactly what the body does to create sound. Through the study of the work of these pedagogues as well as interviewing many of them and their colleagues directly, a new routine for horn was created. This daily horn routine expands on ideas of the modern pedagogues while borrowing techniques from Body Mapping, vocal pedagogy, and more. The focus of the routine is to give students a path to playing the horn efficiently and free of excess tension and focuses on three areas specifically; long tones, flexibilities, and articulations.