Malayalam model and actor Sahana was found dead under mysterious circumstances on Thursday night. Her husband Sajjad has been taken into custody by the police as part of the ongoing investigation into her death.
And I was like, wow, that really crystallized everything. I\u2019m really interested in hearing that mic. What was that mic made out of? Who made that mic? Everything about the history of that mic is part of what\u2019s in every shot. That\u2019s part of the movie to me. Ideally, everything is important or something to think about or think with.
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Press Release info: A Year Closer tells us already in its title what its theme is: approaching death, time ticking away and getting closer with each track of the record. We are told in the first song that our protective mask isn\u2019t working, warned by the storm clouds and a ticking bedroom clock in \u201CDark Skies.\u201D We hear fears of death approaching in the sad words exchanged by lovers who see they will run out of time, or already have, as in \u201CWe Had Time\u201D or the romantic lament of \u201CWhen I Drink.\u201D In \u201CWork Last Monday,\u201D all of life passes with cold automatism in an \u201Coffice apartment,\u201D as a narrator broods over early onset dementia, remembers the details of rituals for respecting the dead, and thinks of how a hole is opening up in reality itself. The singer of \u201COver the Hill\u201D isn\u2019t apparently afraid of growing older and becoming a \u201Cman,\u201D but only leaks a few disjointed details of his plans for disappearing, collapsing, turning into a tree, and finding a home. \u201CAngel of Mercy\u201D tries to resurrect the Christian promise of a life after death, anxiously asking if anyone is up there waiting for us after the oblivion of this world. 2ff7e9595c
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