The Qt installers for Linux assume that a C++ compiler, debugger, make, and other development tools are provided by the host operating system. In addition, building graphical Qt applications requires OpenGL libraries and headers installed. Most Linux distributions do not install all of these by default, but setting up a development environment is still straightforward.
qt headers and libraries not found fedora
As an additional complication,some software generates unversioned shared objectswhich are not intended to be used as system libraries.These files are usually plugins or modular functionalityspecific to an application,and are not located in the ld library paths or cache.This means that they are not located directly in /usr/lib or /usr/lib64,or in a directory listed as a library path in /etc/ an /etc/ file).Usually, these unversioned shared objects can be foundin a dedicated subdirectory under /usr/lib or /usr/lib64(e.g. /usr/lib/purple-2/ is the plugin directoryused for libpurple applications).In these cases,the unversioned shared objects do not need to be placed in a -devel package.
Static libraries and shared libraries.In this case, the static libraries MUST be placed in a *-static subpackage.Separating the static libraries from the other development filesin *-devel allow us to track this usage by checking which packagesBuildRequire the *-static package.The intent is that whenever possible,packages will move away from using these static libraries,to the shared libraries.If the *-static subpackage requires headers or other filesfrom *-devel in order to be useful it MUST require the *-devel subpackage.
Before building anything using CGAL, you have to choose the compiler/linker, set compiler and linker flags and specify which third-party libraries you want to use and where they can be found. Gathering all this information is called configuration. The end of the process is marked by the generation of a makefile that you can use to install CGAL.
After cmake-gui opens, press Configure. A dialog will pop up and you will have to choose what shall be generated. After you have made your choice and pressed Finish, you will see the output of configuration tests in the lower portion of the application. When these tests are done, you will see many red entries in the upper portion of the application. Just ignore them and press Configure. By now CMake should have found many libraries and have initialized variables. If you still find red entries, you have to provide the necessary information. This typically happens if you have installed software at non-standard locations.
If your boost headers or libraries are in non-standard locations youcan set the BOOST_ROOT, or the BOOST_INCLUDEDIR andBOOST_LIBRARYDIR environment variables. (added in 0.56.0) You canalso set these parameters as boost_root, boost_include, andboost_librarydir in your native or cross machine file. Note thatmachine file variables are preferred to environment variables, andthat specifying any of these disables system-wide search for boost.
Note that explicitly adding this dependency is only necessary if you areusing CUDA Toolkit from a C/C++ file or project, or if you are utilizingadditional toolkit libraries that need to be explicitly linked to. If theCUDA Toolkit cannot be found in the default paths on your system, you canset the path using CUDA_PATH explicitly.
On all supported platforms, the first requirement is the Qt framework. If you're building pgModeler 0.9.4, the latest Qt version 5.15.x is needed. Now, when building pgModeler using the code from a development branch, Qt 6.2.x or 6.3.x is the recommended choice to avoid any further problems in the steps below.Bear in mind that failing to observe this first requirement in most cases will cause the compilation to fail due to incompatibilities between the pgModeler's source code and the Qt framework, or even the deployment steps below may not be enough to make the software work after a successful build.Second, you will need a PostgreSQL installation. In this document we are using the RDBMS in its version 14, so note that the location of headers and libraries in the settings below may vary depending on the version of the database system you've chosen.Finally, you will need to download a fresh copy of pgModeler's source code. See the source download form for more details about retrieving the source code. Once retrieved the source code, you have to extract it (in case of using a tarball) and run all the commands in the below sections from the root folder.
Again, I strongly suggest you get the sources and compilethem yourself. The process is similar if not identical to that forQt described above. By default MySQL installs it's executable filesin /usr/local/bin, it's include files (sourceheaders) in /usr/local/include/mysql and it'slibraries in /usr/local/lib/mysql. The actualdatabase files are in /usr/local/var.
We want to develop the Internet radio application for the Raspberry Pi in the same way as for a PC. We change the source code in QtCreator and run the application. QtCreator cross-builds the application on the PC for the Raspberry Pi, deploys it with SSH to the Pi and runs it on the Pi. We need a Qt SDK for this to work. In addition to the target libraries from the Linux image, the Qt SDK contains the library headers, a cross-compiler, a cross-linker, a cross-debugger and more.
Note: if the shell PATH is set such that /bin comes before /usr/bin, then this step is likely to fail because cmake will set the FIND_ROOT_PATH to / and this setting will fail as a prefix for Boost headers or libraries. The cmake output will include messages such as
There is a simple flowgraph that you can run that does not require any USRP hardware. It's called the dialtone test, and it produces a PSTN dial tone on the computer's speakers. Running it verifies that all the libraries can be found, and that the GNU Radio run-time is working.
If not using pkg-config (in particular on Windows), you may need to set theinclude path (to the FreeType, libpng, and zlib headers) and link path (tothe FreeType, libpng, and zlib libraries) explicitly, if they are not instandard locations. This can be done using standard environment variables-- on Linux and OSX:
You need to install the full source, all the required dependencies and then build from the source directories. There is no "dev" version where you just get some headers and libraries and can build the dissector in isolation.
We provide binary distributions of all headers, libraries and CMakeconfiguration files required to depend on PyTorch. We call this distributionLibTorch, and you can download ZIP archives containing the latest LibTorchdistribution on our website. Belowis a small example of writing a minimal application that depends on LibTorchand uses the torch::Tensor class which comes with the PyTorch C++ API.
We need to have a full Qt toolchain, which provides besides cross GCC and GDB also the Qt headers to include and libraries to link against. With the commercial Qt For Device Creation, you can use the pre-compiled QBSP for evaluation.
In addition to extension modules, pybind11 also supports embedding Python intoa C++ executable or library. In CMake, simply link with the pybind11::embedtarget. It provides everything needed to get the interpreter running. The Pythonheaders and libraries are attached to the target. Unlike pybind11::module,there is no need to manually set any additional properties here. For moreinformation about usage in C++, see Embedding the interpreter.
Most extension loading libraries override the need to include gl.h at all. Instead, they provide their own header that must be used. Most extension loading libraries use code generation to construct the code that loads the function pointers and the included headers. Information is available if you wish to perform this manually, but you are encouraged to use one of these libraries yourself.
Galogen is a GL loader generator in the spirit of glLoadGen, but with no additional dependencies (like Lua). Given an API version and a list of extensions, Galogen will produce corresponding headers and code that load the exact OpenGL entry points you need. The produced code can then be used directly by your C or C++ application, without having to link against any additional libraries. Galogen uses the official Khronos OpenGL Registry as its source of truth, thus ensuring that the produced code always corresponds to the latest specifications. An in-browser version of Galogen is also available.
As an additional complication, some software generates unversioned shared objects which are not intended to be used as system libraries. These files are usually plugins or modular functionality specific to an application, and are not located in the ld library paths or cache. This means that they are not located directly in /usr/lib or /usr/lib64, or in a directory listed as a library path in /etc/ (or an /etc/ file). Usually, these unversioned shared objects can be found in a dedicated subdirectory under /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 (e.g. /usr/lib/purple-2/ is the plugin directory used for libpurple applications). In these cases, the unversioned shared objects do not need to be placed in a -devel package.
Static libraries and shared libraries. In this case, the static libraries MUST be placed in a *-static subpackage. Separating the static libraries from the other development files in *-devel allow us to track this usage by checking which packages BuildRequire the *-static package. The intent is that whenever possible, packages will move away from using these static libraries, to the shared libraries. If the *-static subpackage requires headers or other files from *-devel in order to be useful it MUST require the *-devel subpackage. 2ff7e9595c